Police rebellion

I read a lot of information about the conflicts that Ecuador has been suffering, and I cannot give an opinion. I really don’t understand the politics conflicts in South America.
I heard three possible causes that provoked the police rebellion:
* One of them is the passing of the last law, which is not convenient for police officers because this removes some of their benefits.
* The second one is the opposition of the government; they want to recuperate the control of the country.
* The last cause is about a fake kidnapping of the president, he created this situation because he wanted to strike the attention. Why? I don´t know.
I hate the last possible cause, I don’t think that he made up a thing like that, where people died. I won’t express my personal viewpoint about it because I don´t know what is really happening in Ecuador.
HI Daniel. Well done to post on your blog on a different topic. Haven't you heard about the US being involved and trying a coup to gain control of the country. This is one of the theries that is also around. who knows...