Sunday, September 26, 2010

"The king Lear"

More tales from Shakespeare
by Charles and Mary Lamb
822.33 S527LC 1961 c.1

Charles and Mary Lamb were brothers whom rewrote the best sellers of Shakespeare with their own words. This book contains 20 tales, I´m not going to resume all of them because it will be a little confused. I think is difficult to choose one of them; however, I have my favorite it´s called “The King Lear”.

The story talked about a King who had to give his throne, he had three daughters but only one of them was a really good girl. First of all, He had to share the kingdom among his heiresses, so he thought: “The sweetest princess will have a big part of my empire”. These girls had to eulogize in the most exaggerate way.

Nonetheless, he didn´t realize that they will be able to do everything for reaching their ambitions. The first one said the most beautiful things that the king had never heard, the second one made her best too. They got two of three part of the kingdom, the last one sister called “Cordelia”. She knew about the avarice of her sisters, she really loved his father and she didn’t exaggerate her love for him. Consequently, at the moment of the interview with the King she didn’t eulogize like her sisters, that situation made King angry. He was terrible furious and decided to expulse away to Cordelia. He will live with his others daughters.

The king was blind but along the time, he realized that the words from his daughters were only lies. He gave the throne to her ambitious girls but they were indifferent and cruel with his father. An old servant of the King held him and took him away from the kingdom. When Cordelia knew about this situation talked with his husband, that was King of France and he gave her some troops. Cordelia met with her father, the king was ashamed he had been a stupid.

Finally, the avarice of Cordelia’s sister killed them. This provoke that a Count took the kingdom and sent to arrest to Cordelia. The King Lear was insane, he died. The book doesn’t explain why he died. That’s really a family tragedy.


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