Flow is the best mental state where somebody is totally involved in an activity. People who are in the flow state don’t have problems with attention because they can focus all the energy for fulfilling their projects. In this way, they are motivated, happy, optimist and confident. In my opinion, flow is more than a mental state, it is a feeling of satisfaction at doing something.
Life satisfaction is a subjective concept of happiness. Why is it subjective? Because, people are happy for different reasons, they don’t always share the same likes and ideas. This concept depends on a variety of factors; one of the most important is the quality of life, for instance, a good job. The most important things to consider in a normal life are love, luck, health and job, to name a few. If you ask me, a true love is the best thing that you can have, because when you love to someone and at the same this person loves you, it feels like an unbroken happiness feeling.
How they have been applied or what areas of life they’ve been applied to and how.
Do you believe in this idea of happiness?
Fistable, life satisfaction sounds like a capital dream. For example, commercials are always trying to sell satisfaction and happiness with their products or services to people. So, I really don’t believe in these kinds of superficial dreams. However, I think that I have a satisfactory life when the most important things in my life are working well. This feeling is awesome, you feel very optimist and with a lot of energy for doing different activities. In respect to flow, I used to be involved in the different activities of my life; however, this year I cannot enjoy my universities subjects and their corresponding works.
What do you think have been the happiest moments of your life?
I am not sure about it. Maybe, the happiest moments of my life have been to get my first dog and the second one (you can look them at the same order on the top of this post). Concerning this year, the happiest moment was to meet my current girlfriend.
Can you think of a person that inspires you in terms of having a positive attitude?
My friends inspire me with their comments and advices; nevertheless, nobody has always a positive attitude in front the life because we always have bad experiences which are not always easy to overcome, in particular, the death of a friend.
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