Thursday, August 19, 2010

Take care!!!!! I´m a wild cat

First and foremost, I dislike be compare with a cat because when I was a child I used to watch “Alf”. Anyway, I appreciate to cats because they are mysterious animals. Maybe, the movie called “Cats & Dogs” is not fiction and that tells us the true of these particulars pets. Really, I´m joking I am not so crazy for thinking that; however, Egyptians considered cats like a sacred animals. They were part of the family.

Frankly, I´m trying to think about my results from “visual DNA” test but I´m not sure if I agree with them, I don´t know how I am exactly. The test said that I am a peaceful and insatiable boy. Sincerely, visual DNA said the true but there is something that disgusts me. In fact, I know what the problem is: I hate when people believe know all of me. That is a good reason because I hate psychologists. So, test you really don´t know me!

I only didn’t understand 3 expressions: fruity person, appetite for lurve and give sb a buzz. I know these expressions are about 1313 (erotic or sexual content) but I searched in internet and I really discovered dirty meanings. In my case, I’ll never use them because these expressions can be misinterpreted for others.

The web site is good for people that need kill the time. I don’t think is a good idea that a web site helps you with your personality problems; besides, if you don’t know how you are why a web site should know it. If you are boring and need to do something in your leisure time, you could take the test is not bad at all, it is a bit funny but you shouldn´t take the results like a true.


  1. I agree with you, I don’t like to compare me with animal. On the other hand, people are different, and have various options to choose something. In my case, I enjoy doing this and other tests such as you said; this test is perfect doing in my free time only for fun.

  2. This is plagirism!!!!
    Ass hole you has copied my image... ajajajaja!!!

  3. OMG! I don't want you to get angry because you're very dangerous and I strongly believe that!

    I'm just kidding!!!!

    But I'll be careful anyway

  4. wajajjajaaja, you're a kitty ahahha, let me laugh a little more please ajajaja.
    Okay it's enough.
    Daniel you are like a kitty, you are so charming, so tender. I really love the way you are, I had the opportunity to work with you in our 2° semester and I know that you are not a cat, maybe a cat but not a kitty.

    You are right, you can do this test when you are bored in your house, but maybe you can compare this with your own personality. It is like a facebook quiz.

  5. dude, please write as people usually do lol
    Buddy, Cats are the best animals in this world, but the result is "Wild Cat" not "Cat" that's another animal jajaja don't you like being compare with cats? they're extremely amazing,indeed. Nevertheless, it is just an exercise, or a homework, as you wish, it does not matter, take care dude.
